Tag: Mushroom Haiku

  • John Cage’s Mushroom Haiku… mesosticized

      BasHo once wrote A poem: “Matsutake Ia shiranu Ko no ha no hebaritsUku” BlytHe trAnslated It liKe this: “The leaf of some Unknown tree is sticking on the musHroom”. The jApanese composer TakemItsu rephrased it as “Mushroom does not Know that leaf is sticking on it”. EventUally JoHn CAge decIded to maKe his own…

  • Mushroom Haiku

    Questa divertente storiella raccontata in pubblico da John Cage parla della traduzione di un haiku, una forma di poesia giapponese molto breve, sui funghi. L’audio รจ stato tratto da UbuWeb. [audio: https://www.johncage.it/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/John_Cage_Mushroom_Haiku.mp3|titles=John Cage – Mushroom Haiku (1972)] This funny story narrated live by Cage, is about a mushroom haiku (a very short Japanese type of…